Jeff The Fish

Jeff The Fish’s Sonic Nation

A musical utopia where many cultures meet in the name of music.

Jeff The Fish’s Sonic Nation
Jeff The Fish’s Sonic Nation
Jeff The Fish’s Sonic Nation
Jeff The Fish’s Sonic Nation
Jeff The Fish’s Sonic Nation
Jeff The Fish’s Sonic Nation
Jtf orig logo square edited-1

A musical utopia where many cultures meet in the name of music.

Derzeit pausiert

Dobrodošli v oddaji Jeff The Fish's Sonic Nation. Glasbena utopija, v kateri se v pesmih srečujejo kulture sveta, v družbi gostitelja "Jeff The Fish". V dveh urah Vas enkrat na teden čaka eklektična mešanica jazza, soula, funka, hip-hopa, reggaeja, afrobeata, latinskoameriške in pop glasbe, ter mnogih drugih žanrov in stilov. Jeff prihaja z Irske, je svetovni popotnik, in je med drugim živel v Londonu, Barceloni ter južni Franciji. Z glasbo je obseden od mladih nog, je glasbenik in DJ, lastnik glasbene založbe, producent in promotor dogodkov. Sam o sebi pravi, da je glasbeni aktivist, ki si želi promovirati  predvsem neodvisne glasbenike in glasbo, kakršno mainstream glasbena industrija največkrat spregleda. Jeff upa, da se mu boste pridružili v njegovi oddaji Sonic Nation, v prevodu Zvočno ljudstvo, da Vam bo oddaja vir navdiha, predvsem pa da boste v njej vedno spet  odkrili odlično glasbo zase. 

Welcome to Jeff The Fish's Sonic Nation. A musical utopia where many cultures meet in the name of music with your host Jeff The Fish.  You can expect an eclectic mix of Jazz, Soul, Funk, Hip Hop, Reggae, Afrobeat, Latin, Pop and more besides in your two hour weekly visit. Originating from Ireland Jeff is well travelled and has also lived in London, Barcelona and the South of France. Since an early age Jeff has been obsessed with music, and as well as being a DJ, he is also a musician, record label owner, producer and event promoter. He considers himself a musical activist and aims to promote mainly independent artists and music that often gets overlooked by the mainstream music business. He hopes you can join him in his Sonic Nation and hopes that you will be inspired and above all will discover some great music.