It´s all about Leadership in the Arts
It´s all about Leadership in the Arts

It´s all about Leadership in the Arts

Why leadership development would possibly make life easier for artistic and administrative personnel in arts and culture

Leadership development is a new concept to the world of arts and culture. Why should it be introduced? Isn´t it a way of dealing with people that is more appropriate to the business world? What is the added value of it when working in a creative process? You won´t find one answer but maybe a good start of thinking about how you would want to go about it for the future.

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As I am working with this craft both in business, education and the arts let me share my reasoning after a two years project with international partners and artists. Did it help? Did everyone follow well? Was it "The Solution"? And how an awareness of leadership by all professionals would have helped when people in the process were convinced to be representing the latest state of the art in art production or when diverse disciplines were mingled and not aware of the different narratives and rules of how to produce art.

Join me for one hour of reflections by me, a person who works both in the arts and in business as well as the educational field. The questions this time were delivered by John Ireland, leadership coach and virtual interview host in this episode.


Music | Glasba: Virus fo the Positive - Ernst Grieshofer & Karola Sakotnik


Razvoj voditeljstva je v svetu umetnosti in kulture nov pojem. Zakaj bi ga bilo treba uvesti? Ali ni to način ravnanja z ljudmi, ki je primernejši za poslovni svet? Kakšna je njegova dodana vrednost pri delu v ustvarjalnem procesu? Ne boste našli enega samega odgovora, morda pa bo to dober začetek razmišljanja o tem, kako bi se tega lotili v prihodnosti.

Ker se s to veščino ukvarjam tako v podjetjih, izobraževanju kot v umetnosti, naj z vami delim svoje razmišljanje po dveletnem projektu z mednarodnimi partnerji in umetniki. Ali je pomagalo? Ali so vsi dobro sledili? Ali je bila to „rešitev“? In kako bi pomagalo zavedanje o vodenju vseh strokovnjakov, ko so bili ljudje v procesu prepričani, da predstavljajo najnovejše stanje umetnosti v umetniški produkciji, ali ko so se mešale različne discipline in se niso zavedale različnih pripovedi in pravil, kako ustvarjati umetnost.

Pridružite se mi na enournem razmišljanju mene, osebe, ki deluje tako na področju umetnosti kot v gospodarstvu in na izobraževalnem področju. Vprašanja je tokrat posredoval John Ireland, trener vodenja in gostitelj virtualnega intervjuja v tej epizodi.